Lucas Carracedo - VFX Showreel 2011

It's been a really long time since I posted anything.
Here is my personal professional VFX Showreel updated with works done between aug 2010 and sept 2011

Thanks for watching!

Concept - Speedpainting

Photoshop, Nuke

Samsung Pleomax

Work: 3D Renders - Samsung Pleomax
Personal project
Year: 2009

1999 BMW 323 ti

Work: 3D Renders - BMW 323 ti 1999
Personal project
Year: 2009

24k Wine

Work: 3D renders for 24k Wine packagings by Bodegas Lavaqué
Client: By Bookie, Argentina
Year: 2008

Abstract Photography

Photographic experiment developed under the concept "subworlds and alternate realities", based on a synthesis of The Hire short films, by BMW.
Client: Morfología II - Cátedra Brignone - FADU-UBA
Year: 2006

Conceptual Volume

Work: 3D Rendering - Conceptual Volume
Client: Diseño III - Cátedra Saavedra - FADU-UBA
Year: 2007

Lumen 2 Flashlight

Work: 3D Modelling and rendering - Lumen 2 Flashlight.
Client: Diseño I - Cátedra Belluccia. FADU-UBA.
Year: 2005.